2024.11月號大家說英語 文章內容試讀!

Reducing Food Waste 聰明買健康吃 愛地球不浪費!

2024.11月號大家說英語 文章內容試讀!


文章難度★★  #公民意識 #道德實踐

《Reducing Food Waste》減少食物浪費小撇步

For many people in the world, wasting food is a bad habit. They buy more than they need at the market. Then they let fruits and vegetables spoil at home. How can you reduce food waste? First, don't buy too much. You may not be able to eat it all before it spoils. Be careful when you......

對世上很多人而言,浪費食物是種壞習慣。他們在市場買超過他們所需的食物,然後他們讓水果和蔬菜在家裡腐壞。 你如何能減少食物的浪費?首先,不要買太 多,你可能無法在食物腐壞以前全部吃完。存放食物之時要注意......


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