2024.1月號彭蒙惠英語 文章內容試讀!

66號公路: 美國百年傳奇-母親之路

2024.1月號彭蒙惠英語 文章內容試讀!

全美最有名的公路: 66號公路

文章難度★★  #媒體素養 #多元文化

Route 66, America's "Mother Road"六十六號公路,美國的 「母親之路」

Preparing for the 100th anniversary of the country’s most famous road 全美最有名的公路,即將迎來一百週年慶

From its earliest days, Route 66 has reflected the American culture of the moment. When the road connected Chicago to Los Angeles in 1926, it represented the possibility of the automobile. In the 1930s, it served......



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