空中英語教室/救世傳播協會 創辦人-彭蒙惠(Doris Marie Brougham)

1926-2024 彭蒙惠老師從人生的課堂上,下課了。

空中英語教室/救世傳播協會 創辦人-彭蒙惠(Doris Marie Brougham)


彭蒙惠老師Doris Brougham 下課了
Dr. Doris Brougham Graduates from Life at 98 years-old
救世傳播協會/空中英語教室創辦人、美籍宣教士彭蒙惠(Doris Marie Brougham),因年長多重器官衰竭,已於8月6日於台北淡水馬偕醫院安息主懷,享年98歲。彭蒙惠老師在遺囑中特別交代:「把所有一切全捐出。」
Overseas Radio & Television, Inc. (ORTV) , Studio Classroom and Heavenly Melody Founder, missionary Dr. Doris Brougham, passed away at Mackay Memorial Hospital in Zhuwei on August 6 of multiple organ failure. She was 98 years old. Brougham stated in her will to donate everything she had. 
ORTV Board Chairman Dr. Simon Hung said Brougham had graduated from life. She will be buried in Yangmingshan, Taipei. Brougham loved the Chinese-speaking people. She had great faith, and never thought of retiring. Every time she played her trumpet, she would remind the people she met: “Have you got a passport to Heaven?”
Hung expressed that Brougham must be thrilled to be reunited with her parents in Heaven. The the last time she saw them was on a dock in Seattle when she said goodbye 76 years ago to board a steamer for China. She must be also rejoicing with her Lord, who she so faithfully served her entire life. Hung said she was a superb English teacher and a missionary who was steadfast in her vision and never looked back. 
ORTV CEO Daniel Hsieh stated that Brougham, who founded Studio Classroom in 1962, and Heavenly Melody Choir in 1963, devoted her life to English teaching and sharing God’s love through music. Thus, ORTV will hold a “Doris Brougham Memorial Concert” to comply with Brougham’s last wish to have a concert in lieu of a traditional memorial service. She loved music, a lively atmosphere, and would want us to be joyful. She said she hoped people who came to her memorial concert would be joyful, because she had gone to Heaven and was reunited with her parents and siblings. 
