2024.9月號空中英語教室 文章內容試讀!

From Shy Guy to Superstar: Park Seo-joon 南韓超人氣巨星-朴敘俊

2024.9月號空中英語教室 文章內容試讀!


文章難度★★  #媒體素養

From Shy Guy to Superstar: Park Seo-joon

從害羞小子到超級巨星 朴敘俊克服害羞個性,成為韓國大明星

You may know Park Seo-joon as the leading man from memorable Korean dramas like What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim and Itaewon Class. But Park’s road to becoming one of the most sought-after actors wasn’t conventional. Many Korean actors get their start in the acting industry in their youth, but Park had different......

你之所以認得朴敘俊,也許是因為他在《金秘書為 何那樣》與《梨泰院Class》等令人難忘的韓劇當中飾演主角。不過,朴敘俊成為炙手可熱的演員並非依循傳統的道路。 許多韓國演員都是在年輕時就踏入表演藝術產業, 但朴敘俊懷有不同的......


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