2023.5月號 彭蒙惠英語 編輯的話


2023.5月號 彭蒙惠英語 編輯的話

From the Editor

Dear readers,

    Has anyone ever asked you, “What's new”? That's a variation on the greeting, “How are you?” The person wants to know how you are and what is new in your life. We all like to learn and share new things, and Advanced is no exception. So we have new things to share with you this month.

    You've likely heard of a staycation. That is when you don't go to work, but you stay close to home and enjoy doing things there. But what about a“workcation”? That's a new term meaning to visit a destination for work reasons but to also make time for tourist attractions. You can read more about this new trend in this month's Travel article “To the ‘Edge of the World’ and Beyond”. And as an added bonus, you can find out where the “Edge of the World” is!

    Another term you may not know is “clumping.” This happens when you stack all your frustrations and worries into one pile. Doing that doesn't help you deal with them, and it can actually cause problems for you. Read more about clumping—and how to stop doing it—in our Psychology article “Stop Clumping”.

    It's always interesting to learn about new sports, and perhaps try them too. The one we want you to read about this month has a funny name: pickleball. It's played with paddles and plastic balls, and it's one of America's fastest growing sports. But people in Asia love it too! To find out more, check out our Sports article “Pickleball is Exploding”.

   We welcome our old friends and new ones to the adventure of learning and discussing—in English—what's new in the world!

                          See you in class!

                                              Your Friend for Life,

                                                                                                                           Doris Brougham



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