2024.4月號空中英語教室 文章內容試讀!

GEORGIA O'KEEFFE 美國現代藝術之母-喬治亞˙歐姬芙

2024.4月號空中英語教室 文章內容試讀!


文章難度★★★  #藝術涵養 #自我精進

《GEORGIA O'KEEFFE I had to create an equivalent for what I felt about what I was looking at – not copy it.” - Georgia O'Keeffe

喬治亞‧歐姬芙-我必須為所見的感受創造出等同的表達, 而不僅是複製而已

Imagine standing in front of a painting where flower petals burst forth in vibrant colors. You are experiencing the world of Georgia O'Keeffe, the “Mother of American Modernism.”

After high school, O'Keeffe studied at the prestigious Art Institute of Chicago and later learned realist painting techniques at The Art Students League of New York.......

想像你站在一幅畫的前面,畫裡的花瓣綻放出鮮豔的色彩;你正在感受「美國現代主義之母」喬治亞‧歐姬芙的世界。 高中畢業後,歐姬芙進入頗具聲望的芝加哥藝術學院求學,然後在紐約藝術學生聯盟學習寫實繪畫技巧......


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